Jedi Seer (1)Full unit name: Jedi Seer
Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:52
Basic info
First appearance: Knights of the Old Republic 00 : Crossroads
Included into
Knights of the Old Republic, Volume 1
A Jedi Seer was a specialized Jedi Knight who pursued the teachings of the Jedi Consulars
Jedi Consular
Serving the Jedi Order
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
as conduits to the Unifying Force, the Seers were responsible for receiving Force visions and interpreting them for the Jedi High Council and the Council of First Knowledge. Working closely with their brother and sister Lore Keepers, the Seers updated and provided new information to store in the holocrons of the Order.
While Jedi could sometimes show aptitude in receiving visions from the Force, there were only a select few which had a propensity for having the vivid Force dreams of a Seer. Capable of feeling the very will of the Force and seeing distant events, Seers were a vital part of the Order, often serving as a first alert to impeding surges in the dark side. The Jedi Seers of the ancient past are responsible for the creations of many of the most well known stories of the Order.


See also
Organizations that have assigned this role to their members
Jedi Order
Characters assigned to this role
Krynda Draay
Jedi Order
Complete list

Full unit name: Jedi Seer Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:52